Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Without the support of large funding organisations
such as the DFG (German Research
Foundation) or ministries, Open Access services
in the humanities would be inconceivable.
Thus, thanks to the North-Rhine Westphalian
initiative ‘Digital Peer Publishing’(55), 10 online
journals in different fields of expertise have
been created since 2004, including zeitenblicke
(, a history and art-history
online journal with a wide readership addressing
a specific research focus in every edition.
因此,幸虧北萊茵河威斯特伐利亞體系”數位出版同行”, 從2004年起,10種不同領域的線上期刊被創建,包括了zeitenblicke(為一歷史人文線上期刊開放近用網站,其網址為這是一個擁有廣大閱讀群眾的歷史和藝術史學的期刊位址,並在每一個版本做具體的重點研究。

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Open Access in the Humanities
Even though dealing with electronic publication is now a normal part of historians’ or literary scholars’ teaching and research work, the debate on Open Access in the humanities has not met with much response so far. Unlike in the STM disciplines (science, technology and medicine), only a few representatives of the humanities know in detail what Open Access means, let alone comply with the call to archive texts on university servers or discipline-specific repositories. The current attitude towards electronic forms of publication is still predominantly passive. There are a variety of reasons for this.
Often it is simply due to ignorance regarding
the creation and stability of digital publications.
It seems that there is a widespread, albeit false,
notion that electronic publishing requires such a
high degree of personal data-processing skills
that a layperson is not capable of handling it.
常常只是因為對數位出版品的創造力和穩定性的無知。電子出版品需要具備程度非常高的個人資料處理技術,那是一個門外漢沒有能力來勝任的 。這觀念相當普遍,儘管是錯誤的。
Another presumption frequently cited is that
electronic publications are per se transient and
peripheral since their long-term archiving can
not be guaranteed.
A connected argument often used is that large and important expert contributions can naturally only be presented in books: ‘What are we supposed to do? Read
Hegel on our computer screens? That’s out of
the question!’
The fact that such statements combine two completely unrelated issues, i.e. the question of the medium’s material form and the question of the quality of scholarly texts, is treated as irrelevant.
The final worry cited by scholars in the humanities is that if they were to participate in the ‘fun culture’ of the Internet, they would run the risk of losing respectability amongst their peers in the field.
最後藉由人文學科教授被提出的令人憂心的原因,是如果他們參與像網際網路這樣 ”有趣的文化”,他們是在冒著可能失去名聲和在此領域中他們的地位身分的風險。

Notwithstanding all these still existing reservations, electronic publications have been able to gain a foothold in the humanities over the past few years. This is true for example regarding the online review journals created in the past 10 years, which have become a permanent fixture of expert discussions, even though the ‘im portant monographs’ continue to be the main form of publication in history and literary studies.
Besides the quality of their book reviews, online
review instruments such as sehepunkte (www., which publishes approximately
100 reviews from the fields of history and art
history, or the review service of the Berlin mailing
list H Soz u Kult (http://hsozkult.geschichte. have successfully established
themselves in their field, a main reason being
that they can react faster to new publications
than printed academic journals.
除了其書刊評論的品質,線上工具例如: sehepunkte(網址,它發行了將近100種評介形式,關於歷史和藝術史,亦或是書刊評介服務系統,在柏林郵寄名錄 H Soz Kult(,已成功的建立他們的系統於其領域,這是他們可以比印刷學術期刊更快速的對新出版品做出反應的一個主要原因。